Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Fishing is Great

Well now. Me and Neil are in 15th place in the Triton Series standings. I`m going to brag a little. After three tournaments I feel pretty good how well we  have done. Three months. April,May,June. Three tournaments. Six days of practice. For those of you that fish you know where I`m going with this.For those of you that do not I will try to give you an analogy. First thing comes to mind is a piano recital. You say what! Yea lets just say you are a accomplished piano player performing a recital to all your peers and you only had time to learn a new song in about ten minutes. All your skill will get you through it but will it be perfect? Fishing tournament is a little like a song.When you get the rhythm things go good. You get out of rhythm and it gets tough.Thats when the desire and sheer love of fishing comes in. It is getting up early before the sun and knowing that hey we get to go fishin. Winning is always good. But the true motivation is the challenge and good ole competition of you against those little green fish. I want to thank God for the privalage to be an American, and mostly being his child. Next tourny is in August those boys and fish better look out. We are going to be ready! Here is the link for the results..http://www.nicholsteamseries.com/2011/EVENT3/Event_Three.htm

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